1. First we would need to download and install the python interpreter. this will be the main engine of the journal.
You can find the required 3.12.7 version here: Download Python | Python.org
When installing it, make sure to check the: Add python.exe to PATH. This will ensure that we don’t have to do it manually.
2. Then download the journal from the link sent to you
Unzip the file
ON windows system
IF version 13. Use the setup tool to install the app.
CSV files need to be copied in the import/files folder
3. Open the unziped folder with files and run install.bat file – before version 13
Make sure not to skip this step. As it will install required files for the Journal.
You only need to do this the first time you open it.
you can launch the journal in the unzipped folder – the TradeJournal.bat file.
you can also create a desktop shortcut from the file
ON Mac-os
3. Open the unziped folder with files and run install.command file
Make sure not to skip this step. As it will install required files for the Journal.
You only need to do this the first time you open it.
You might need to add permissions to INSTALL.COMMAND and LAUNCHER.COMMAND files.
See next links for explanation.
you can launch the journal in the unzipped folder – the launcher.command file.
Use manual method to import your previous years as with the automatic method you only can import max one year back of data.
1. Log into you Interactive Brokers account
2. Go to Performance & Report
3. Click Flex Queries
4. Click the + button to create new Activity Flex Query
5. Name It
6. Scroll lower and click on Trades
7. Select all and confirm at the bottom of page
8. Select format as csv
10. Change date format to dd/mm/yyyy
11. check if the values are the same and confirm at the bottom of page
12. Click create at the bottom of next page and you will get a message that query has been created
13. Click the small arrow next to created query to run it
You can run this query every time you want to export data. No need to create a new one.
14. Chose your period (you can import one year of data in-between dates) and set format to csv
Make sure the dates exported don’t overlap. For example if you first time exported dates for up to 22nd of February 2021, then next export must start from 23rd of February.
15. Now you need to wait a bit for it to create it. You can refresh it by that little refresh button
16. When its ready – click the arrow button and it should download
Like this you will save time by not needing to log in again and to download the queries manually.
When you move to the next steps the code will remove the duplicate executions.
1. Log into you Interactive Brokers account
2. Go to Performance and reports
3. go to Flex queries — Flex Web Service Configuration
4. get the token number
This number will be the same for every request.
You will need to update the numbers when it expires.
5. Go to Flex queries
6. Add a new flex query
7. Name It
8. Scroll lower and click on Trades
9. Select all and confirm at the bottom of page
10. Change date format to dd/mm/yyyy
11. check if the values are the same and confirm at the bottom of page
12. Click create at the bottom of next page and you will get a message that query has been created
13. Click to edit the query
14. Copy the token number for the query
15. Add a custom name like Last 30 Days, Paste your token and query id and click add record
If you want to add a query for a smaller timeframe, change the period to number of days
This next step is quite easy
Just select the required time period and write an unique name. And click Import CSV file button.
Files will be saved in the import folder.
1. Make sure to select the first import option
2. select your CSV FILES
The Process will automatically remove all of the duplicate rows.
3. click start to begin compiling
4. Click save at the bottom of page
If everything gone smoothly then trades should be uploaded. Click the main page to make sure of it.
create a csv file for additional import
Like this you will get your newest trades what hasn’t been added to the journal
When you import your last week or month of trades some of these trades already are compiled. Like this you are removing the duplicates and adding the new trades to the old ones.
Now select the additional import option, choose your file and click start import
1. Make sure to select the additional import option
2. select your created csv file
3. click start to begin compiling
4. Click save at the bottom of page
If everything gone smoothly then trades should be uploaded. Click the main page to make sure of it.
when you open it for the first time, there gonna be some data inside
To import your data, you need to copy all of your csv files into import folder of the journal. For example: C:\InteractiveBrokers_v3\import
Select the FIRST IMPORT for your first import or Additional import for additional csv file
You can choose the Select All function or select files separately.
Click the START button and the import will start
Make sure to save the file at the bottom of page.
You can filter the trades by Account, Year, Month, Weekday, Hours
Just select your filter and click Apply Filter button.
Sometimes after applying filter it will seem that page hangs up. This is do to heavy calculations. Please be patient… I found that Google Chrome browser got the best performance regarding to this.
To view the accurate percentage change in your account, be sure to enter your starting balance. Please note, this comparison assumes no withdrawals, platform fees, or data fees.
You can compare your account performance with any equity symbol over the same time period as your imported data.
This allows you to see how your returns would compare if you had simply held the equity during that period.
MAR Value – Minimum Acceptable Return. Settings for Sortino Ratio. Change the amount of your annual target return. Currently sits at 0.30 = 30% annual target return
Risk-Free Rate: 0.04 (4% annualized). Used to calculate the Sharpe Ratio
252 trading days per year (standard in financial analysis) Used to calculate the Sharpe Ratio
Dashboard background – Change the Top dashboard panels colour
Dashboard theme – Change the Top dashboard text colour
Select Theme Colour – This will change the background colour of Dashboard Chart elements
Theme Font Size – This will change the charts font size. Page must be reloaded for the changes to take effect.
Fix Dashboard Not Saving – If your dashboard is not saving after changing its layout or chart element sizes. Press this button. Needs to be used ONLY ONCE.
Apply Button – This will apply the settings. Settings not gonna be saved
Save Button – This will save the settings.
Close Button – This will close the settings dialog.
You can easily resize the dashboard elements by dragging the bottom right corner of it. Don’t forget to save it at the bottom of page.
If your dashboard is not saving after changing its layout or chart element sizes. Press the Fix Dashboard Not Saving button in General Settings. Needs to be used ONLY ONCE.
Each of the charts have its own settings. You are free to experiment. Don’t forget to save after applying.
First you will need to select a date, to open data for that month.
On the sidebar you will see monthly statistics.
When you click on any of the values in the table below the date it will display all of the trades for that day.
At the top of the page you can view the trades. A little lower you can view the executions for that day.
Also see the statistics. Add Mistakes, Strategies, Quality, Comments, Pictures.
Any of these values below will save after you have changed them.
Add a link to the picture. Will need to reload the page to take effect.
Copy image from a clipboard. .Png must be added at the end
First you will need to set up your Traders Workstation for it to allow to connect with journal. Please set these settings same as in image below.
Now click Show Trades on the chart to enable trades on the chart.
To change the timeframe (currently Daily and 5 min). Please use these settings as seen below.
By default it is loading last two years of data. If your trades are located outside of this period please add more years to it.
Please click on the checkbox – Show Trading Plan and Review
You can insert images from file, just drag and drop image on to editor. Change font, edit colour and many more options.
Make sure you click the Submit Button to Save it
Click on a year to display data for that year.
Click on a month to display data for that month.
Use the top buttons to change the view to week, month or day. Click the button today and it will bring you to todays date.